¿Cómo afecta a tu salud llevar una DIETA PLANT-BASED?

How does eating a PLANT-BASED DIET affect your health?

How a plant-based diet affects your health

Impact of a Plant-Based diet on the environment🌱

A "plant-based" diet is one that is based on foods. vegetable originl, which includes a variety of popular diets, such as vegan and vegetarian. Over time, this diet has attracted more and more attention due to its numerous benefits for health and its contribution to environmental sustainability.

It is undeniable that this dietary approach offers significant environmental advantages, as plant agriculture requires fewer natural resources, generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse effect and has a minor ecological impact compared to livestock production. 

Healthy Benefits 💚 of a Plant-Based Diet

Despite being a widely recognized food option today, there is still some ignorance about its health implications and the myths that surround it.

Adopting a plant-based diet means maintaining a versatile, varied and balanced diet. It is not simply about consuming pasta every day, but about enjoying extraordinary culinary diversity that includes cereals, plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, legumes, vegetables and more. Furthermore, the growth of this trend has given rise to a wide range of original, nutritious and delicious dishes.

What are the health benefits of following this way of eating?

First, a plant-based diet has been shown to be associated with areduction in the incidence of diseases such as obesity, inflammatory diseases, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Although it is not a miracle solution, it can play a fundamental role in the prevention and control of many diseases.

Secondly, consuming a wide variety and quantity of vegetables provides a daily intake rich in essential nutrients and beneficial for health, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins and phytonutrients (antioxidants and others). In addition, it implies a lower intake of saturated fats, commonly present in products of animal origin. This improvement in the nutritional profile of the diet can help reduce cholesterol, maintain an adequate weight and protect the body against diseases related to poor diet.

Overcoming 🚀 Myths: The Diversity and Nutrition of a Plant-Based Diet

Finally, it is important to address the issue of possible nutritional deficiencies in plant-based diets, such as vitamin B12, iron and The calcium. However, the rapid expansion and development of this style of eating has led to significant advances in the availability of products on the market and the creation of innovative alternatives. For example, foods fortified with vitamin B12, iron and calcium, as well as nutritional supplements specifically designed to meet the needs of people who follow this type of diet.

Yuït: Nutritional Innovation in the Plant-Based Diet

A notable example is Yuït. Our products contain all the macro and micronutrients essential for a balanced diet, eliminating concern about possible nutritional deficiencies. Thanks to science and technology , we have made this diet not only environmentally friendly, but also a complete and healthy option for those who consume it.

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