El PODER transformador del SUEÑO

The transformative POWER of DREAM

💤The Vital Importance of Melatonin

Did you know that your health is directly linked to the quality of your sleep? Yes, that seemingly inactive time you spend every night It doesn't just affect your daily energy next, but it influences practically every aspect of your life. From your work performance to your emotional well-being, sleep plays a crucial role. And what regulates this life cycle? The melatonin.

➡️Body wear and tear:The wear and tear on the body during the day is constant due to our physical and mental activities. It is during rest hours when damaged tissues are repaired, muscles are strengthened and body systems are revitalized. Lack of sleep interrupts this process, leaving the body in a state of fatigue and making recovery and regeneration impossible. 

➡️ Immune Depletion due to Short Nights: Lack of sleep weakens the immune system, increasing susceptibility to diseases. Lack of sleep decreases the production of T cells, essential for fighting infections, which increases the risk of suffering from diseases.

➡️ The emotional cost of an insufficient night: But that's not all, lack of sleep also affects mood and the ability to manage stress, which can increase the risk of anxiety and depression.  Research supports this by showing that sleep deprivation alters brain activity, affecting areas related to emotional control and stress processing.

➡️ Dream and Beauty: The Neglected Relationship: Now, let's talk about aesthetics. Sleep is crucial for skin repair, and lack of sleep can cause cosmetic problems such as dark circles, dull skin and acne. During sleep, the body releases hormones such as cortisol and growth hormone, which help keep skin healthy and repair damage caused during the day.


🌚 How can you increase your melatonin levels naturally?

But how do we improve our sleep quality? That's where melatonin comes in! the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Ensuring you have optimal levels of melatonin can make the difference between a restful night's sleep and one of tossing and turning.

✔️Keep a regular sleep routine.

✔️Reduces exposure to blue light before bed.

✔️Establece un ambiente tranquilo y relajante en tu dormitorio.

✔️Consume rice, oats and sweet corn: these are the foods with the highest melatonin content per gram, in addition to offering a high concentration of vitamins and minerals.

✔️Also fish like tuna, salmon and halibut, rich in vitamin B6, stimulate the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. While the chicken and turkey provide tryptophan, promoting relaxation.

✔️Serotonin generates melatonin. Low levels of serotonin imply low levels of melatonin. Relax, exercisingand consuming nutrients such as tryptophan, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins, promote the production of this hormone.

✔️Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Do not smoke or use stimulant drugs; If you smoke, do it 4 hours before bed. Tobacco is a stimulant and carcinogen, not a tranquilizer.

⚠️ Is this not enough for you?

If these practices are not enough for you, perhaps it is time for a little extra help, to give us that final push we need to count as many sheep as possible! 🛌 Try natural supplements that give you that extra melatonin that you need and that also incorporatepassiflora or melissa; without having to opt for chemical character or other alternatives with side effects. 


💭 Sleep is not a luxury, it is a vital necessity for our health and general well-being. So before you underestimate the importance of sleep, remember the crucial role melatonin plays in keeping us balanced and healthy.

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